The Will of the Lord?
A Devotion
The Goodsoil Discipleship Ministry
By Bro. Andy Madonio
April 29, 2000
  And He said, "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments,
and keep all His statutes . . ."
Exodus 15:26

This scripture contains within it the building blocks to knowing God's will for your life.

"Do what is right."  We are to "do what is right," which is a divisive and arguable phrase when viewed apart from its qualifier, "in His sight."  When we begin to move about on this earth, and walk and talk and speak and act as if our Lord were right by our side, then we begin to learn what is right in His sight.

"Keep all His statutes."  Keeping ordinances is much simpler when we know them in truth and are right with them in spirit.  The ordinances exist, they are valid, and they carry with them the penalty for ignoring them -- even if ignorance predominates.  It is true wisdom that seeks to know God's ordinances in truth and spirit.

"Give ear."  Simply put, "give ear" means we are to listen to what our Lord commands.  We may only "give ear" to a voice; and a voice comes from One who is alive and is speaking.

"Heed" His voice.  "Give earnest heed to the voice of the Lord."  Some are led by scripture and feel they have obeyed the will of God.  For example, many wish to heed the scripture that says, "be fruitful and multiply," but ignore that same Word that exclaims
"shout for joy, O' barren one, you who have born no child . . . for the sons of the desolate one will be more numerous,"
(Genesis 1:22 and Isaiah 54:1).

Which is correct?  You cannot stand between these two passages, so what is a saint to do?

We have a God in Heaven, His Son, and His Holy Spirit to ask of.  The Word of God is not a buffet awaiting our selection -- choosing a certain delicacy here and leaving that morsel for another, hence we must "heed the voice of the Lord."  Remember that a voice emanates only from one who is alive and speaks.  The dead have no voice; they cannot be heard when asked the questions of today.

What is the Lord's will?  Is it fruitfulness or barrenness?  He will bless either, if we listen and obey.