The Encounter
A Devotion
The Goodsoil Discipleship Ministry
By Bro. Andy Madonio
October 8, 2000
All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way;
But the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him.
Isaiah 53:6

It was upon this monstrous mess of a planet, this earthly scene of selfish devastation, that Jesus descended in order to carry out His mission for His Father, a mission of reconciliation, cleansing and salvation.  As a shepherd, He viewed countless, helpless sheep wandering aimlessly, harming themselves and others.  Evil and sickness, offspring of the same father, freely roamed amongst the squalid flock.  But in God's infinite everlasting plan, He brought about the cure.  He had arranged an encounter with iniquity.  This iniquity, our very own iniquity, has made our way crooked and perverse.  It has bowed us down with its insidious weight, but we do not care, we are comfortable with it, we are accustomed to its feel.  We are blind.

One day, however, there will be a meeting, a powerful encounter.  It is a meeting that each of us will ultimately have; there can be no denying it, no canceling it, you will have it eventually.  It may be that you will find yourself strolling along your crooked pathway one day, sinning and miserable and ignorant and rebellious, when suddenly your way will be met by God's Son Jesus.  How it will happen, what will be the circumstances, nobody but He will know.  This is an encounter that positively will happen to us all, make no mistake about that, and a wonderful opportunity will avail itself in that moment.  Jesus will reach out (He will do it first, He will initiate the move!) and offer to take away that terrible and murderous burden that you are carrying everywhere you go.  By His Father's plan, if we agree, our sin will instantly be upon His mighty shoulders, but don't worry -- He is more than able not only to bear it, but He can bear it away forever!

Remember, when this encounter comes, don't neglect the eternal opportunity.  Give to Jesus what He desires -- first your burden of sin, then your life, your heart, your devotion and your love.  Thank you Jesus for my encounter!