Jesus Or Eternal Life?
The Choice Is Yours
A Devotion
The Goodsoil Discipleship Ministry
By Bro. Andy Madonio
May 24, 1998
"You diligently study the scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life . . . yet you refuse to come to me to have life."
John 5:39-40

          How much of our natural energy is expended in "diligent" Christian service?  This passage must make you think, "Am I truly different than the religious leaders Jesus was addressing?"

          (v 37) "You have never heard His voice nor seen His form."  We must be prepared to respond to Jesus one day when He reminds us that His Word was made plain and clear for us all to see (Romans 1).  God clearly affirms that what we can learn and know about Him is plain to see, and that His marvelous attributes and qualities have been made evident; He has made sure of that.

          When was the last time you noticed God in your life?  How did you acknowledge Him?  When were you last moved by His Spirit to act?  Did you obey?

          (v 38)  "Nor does His word dwell in you."  Such a bold accusation, if spoken to a "diligent" modern day believer, would undoubtedly evoke the same response it received twenty centuries ago.  If God's Word IS in you, what kind of fruit is it bringing forth?

          (v 40)  "You refuse to come to me to have life."  It seems odd, doesn't it, that a "diligence" to know scripture is coupled with a blatant refusal to draw near to the saviour?  This is more than mere distraction away from Jesus; this is premeditated back-turning!

          "Come now," you say, "why would I spend all this time and effort planning, promoting and administering this leadership seminar if I didn't personally wish to be a better Christian and help others to do the same?"

          Good question.  Why are you so "diligent?"

          The One who asks you this one day may well be the One who gave His life for you; what will you say to Him then?

          What is your motivation?  Is it to know Jesus?  Is it a desperate love of Jesus?  Or are you only interested in Heaven and eternal life?  Satan had those things and yet they weren't enough for him.  What makes you think they will satisfy you?  Guess what -- they won't!

          Eternal life is the by-product of intimacy with Jesus Christ.  The Messiah is the One that true worshippers strive for.  Nothing else matters, regardless of our "diligence" in attaining to it.  Come to Him for life, that's the message.